When my best friend spread rumors about me

Originally appeared online in the teen series Your Healings -  January 30, 2024

I love spending time with my friends. Whether it’s catching up after a long time apart or seeing each other every day, I’ve always found quality time important, and I love the warmth and support that friendships provide.

A few years ago, though, something changed. My best friend of five years suddenly didn’t want to be my friend. One day at school, she ignored me every time I tried to speak to her. I couldn’t figure out what was wrong. And when I went to school the next day, things had gotten even worse.

People called me names as I walked past them in the hallway and passed notes about me in class.

My friend had spread rumors about me and told everyone why they shouldn’t be my friend. I was really hurt—I couldn’t figure out why she’d done this. Was it because I had made friends with other girls? Had I upset her in some way? I wasn’t sure. By the third day of this, nobody talked to me; people called me names as I walked past them in the hallway and passed notes about me in class. Upset and overwhelmed, I asked the teacher if I could go home.

When my mum picked me up from school, she knew something was wrong, but all I told her was that I didn’t feel well and that I wanted to go to bed. Later that evening, I went into the garden and sat by myself. I didn’t want to go back to school at all. I was so upset and just kept asking God, “Why has this happened?” 

I love attending Christian Science Sunday School and learning about God. I’d learned in Sunday School that God is good, so how could these things with my friend be happening? Was this somehow God’s plan?

My mum came outside and sat beside me and asked what had happened. I told her everything. She told me that God is always protecting me—that His love is wrapped around me so tight that nothing can harm me. She also suggested that I call a Christian Science practitioner to pray for me.

The practitioner explained that my classmates’ unkind words were not thoughts from God, who is Truth, so they couldn’t be true. And even with the rumors swirling around, I could still listen for God’s angels. She also shared this statement from Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures: “Angels are pure thoughts from God, winged with Truth and Love, . . .” (Mary Baker Eddy, p. 298). The practitioner told me I could let those angels carry me and protect me throughout the school day—could hold on to those good thoughts and let God guide me through each moment.

When I went back to school, I remembered that God’s angels were protecting me and that I could let them lead the way.

Then she asked if I wanted to play the glad game, where we go back and forth saying every little thing we’re grateful for. This game always makes me feel better because it reminds me of how much good I have in my life—that despite what I might be going through, there is still so much to be thankful for. We did that, and it made me feel more peaceful and close to God.


When I went back to school, I remembered what the practitioner had said about God’s angels protecting me and how I could let them lead the way. That gave me the courage to talk to a group of girls I’d never really spoken to before, and they were so nice and welcoming. When a boy came over to spread rumors about me, they told him that they weren’t listening to him and to leave us alone. I was so grateful! I thanked them for the support and then quietly thanked God. I had felt His protection through those girls. We went on to become great friends! And very soon, the rumors died down and many of the other girls became my friends again. After that, I knew I could always rely on God’s angel messages. 

As for the friend who had started the rumors, she ended up moving to a different school a few weeks into the new term. Some years later, I did see her again, and we talked. I didn’t feel resentment or hatred toward her, which to me was proof of how complete this healing was. I left the conversation happy that we were both doing well. 

When I remember this experience, I think about this promise from Science and Health: “Step by step will those who trust Him find that ‘God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble’ ” (p. 444). I found I truly could rely on God to give me the strength and courage to go back to school and to provide me with great friends. I have so much to be grateful for.

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