These words of our Leader, "Divine Love always has met and always will meet every human need" (Science and Health, p. 494),—words so familiar to every Christian Scientist, clung to by them in hours of struggle,—are loved more dearly, and their spiritual meaning is better understood, as the waves of error are calmed by Christ, Truth. While no loyal heart ever doubts the truth of these words, yet there is often a failure to demonstrate their true meaning, to realize that the need is met already. While there are many reasons for this failure, there is certainly one which is fundamental, namely, a false concept of God. The old concept of God was either so shrouded in mystery that it could never be of real assistance to any one, or else God was held to be of definite form and shape, so that He could only be regarded from a basis of selfishness, that of watching over every material need of the individual thus regarding Him. The first concept was called Spirit, the second was called Deity; in either case mankind had only a belief in an act called prayer as a means whereby they might possibly obtain proof that God had heard them.

The majority of Christian Scientists have come from these teachings into the light of Christian Science, where we learn that God is incorporeal Life and Love and Truth; and that man is an active reflection of active Principle, good. In our effort to learn how to trust this Principle, this all-good, how to lean on the divine Love with an assurance of its omnipotence, its omnipresence, its omniscience, we might perhaps be in danger of standing still mentally, relying upon the words above quoted, "Divine Love always has met and always will meet every human need;" but this error, if yielded to, would result in mental torpor.

In the parable of the Prodigal Son this error is strongly rebuked, and as in all the Master's teachings, there is a scientific way of correction. Each of the sons had the same father, each had his portion from the same source, each had his concept of life which included himself, and all this each followed out in his own way. The younger, like many mortals, in love with himself, went into a far-off country where only self dwelt, and proceeded to live his own concept of life,—that of ease, luxury, vice,—forgetting all save himself, until at last the commonest needs of life were unsatisfied. Christian Science has found unnumbered people in this same condition,—sick, sinful, weary, sorrowful, unsatisfied, without God and without hope,—and it has lovingly and insistently directed them to the "Father's house" and shown that to be man's place. It says truly that divine Love meets our need, but it says likewise, Arise into activity against self-love, egotism, sensuality, against the false concept which leads into the "region and shadow of death."

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May 23, 1908

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